Author: admin

Christmas & Trinity Reservations Go Together! Time Flys! I can’t beleive it’s been 10 years since we started our Bread of Life soup kitchen in the park ten years ago, just before Christmas! Because so many travel prior to, during and after the holidays we are able to share some of our financial blessing with those in need. This is especially appreciated by our Bread of Life guests at Christmas time. So thank you to all of you who choose Trinity Reservations for your Park stay and fly and Park & Cruise needs! You are greatly appreciated!!!

As we are preparing for our very bussy season of Park stay and fly & Park and Cruise reservations, the topic of volunteers came up in the office this past week. We serve with a super kind man named Mike at the Bread of Life Soup Kitchen each month. He volunteers his time each Saturday and loves to be of service to others. Someone asked him why it was important to him to be there every Saturday. He explained that his financial circumstances could easily change where he would be in need of services like Bread of Life. Besides he loves the fellowship he has while serving with others. As we finished our conversation we concluded that compassion is at the core of what motivates a volunteer. So what are you compassionate about? What motivates you to serve others?

Trinity Reservations is passionate about Bread of Life – Did you know that part of your purchase with us helps us to provide a hot lunch for needy children and adults in the Sussex County area of New Jersey. The staff her loves to buy, prepare and serve a hot lunch once a month to the needy in our area. We all realize how easy it can be to fall into circumstances like these and how very blessed we are to be able to pay our bills and have the basic necessities of life that most take for granted. I want to encourage everyone of our readers to get involved in a local community out reach program. You will be blessed through the process. Remember, when you buy a Park stay and fly or Park and Cruise package from Trinity Reservations, you are helping us to help others!

Sharing the story! So I decided to share the start of the Bread of Life Story this past Saturday with our guests who came for our free lunch & clothing. It will be BOL 10 year aniversary this December and many of our guests did not know how it all started. Note I have shared this story in one of my first blogs below. Anyway, everyone was greatful to hear the story. One of our recent regulars came up to me to share his story with me. You see he now lives out of his car. He is not bitter or down but thankful for what we and others do to provide for those who have lost almost everything for a variety of circumstances. I was again taken back by his wonderful attitude and wonder if I would be able to have the same out look. This past Saturday we served 6 children and 18 adults. For many of these guest, we are there only guaranteed meal for the weekend.

Sharing the Joy!

I invited a friend to join me last month when it was my scheduled week to provide the lunch at Bread of Life. I don’t believe he knew what to expect and was perhaps apprehensive about serving a meal, clothes and interacting with so many needy people. I was very excited to see how this […]

Choices for the new year!

I realized the other day how often I allow the circumstances of the world to direct my path on a day to day basis. Honestly it most often goes in a direction that ends in frustration, aggrivation and exhaustion despite the many good things that happen. Can you relate?  It occures to me that I […]


Six years ago, around the same time I started Trinity Reservations, I had the priviledge of being invited to serve on the “Relief Bus” based out of Newark New Jersey. This Christian organization has taken old school buses , painted them white and altered the sides to drop down for road side service. They go […]