Trinity Staff at BOL after Christmas!

It was a cool, not cold and sunny day in the North East this past Saturday at Bread of Life. We had 19 guests and 

3 children. We served Egg Plant Parm, Mozzerella Garlic Bread and a Tossed Green Salad! Everyone loved it and we

had just enough for everyone before the food ran out. God is so good in this way! Our families put together special goodie/gift

bags for everyone to take home. We remembered and prayed for those who could not make it and ask for God's protection over them.

We remembered those who are homeless or suffering from depression and cronic illnesses asking for provision and healing.

For many of our guests this is their only meal for the day and in some cases, their only known meal for the weekend. We encourage

you to find a way to serve the less fortunate in your communities. For us it is an honor and a privilage.

The Staff and Friends of Trinity Reservations wishes you and yours a very Happy & Healthy New Year!