Trinity Park Stay and Fly Staff Welcomes Fall Like Weather at Bread of Life !

Last weekend ( 9/20/14) staff and friends of the staff of Trinity Reservations gathered to cook and serve a meal to our honored guests at the Bread of Life soup kitchen at the First Presbyterian Chruch in Franklin NJ. This is what we do every 3rd Saturday of each month. It was a chilly morning when we met to prepare our egg & cheese caserole with hashed brown potatos and muffins. Guests were greated with hot coffee and tea as they came in and enjoyed some fellowship with each other before the meal was served. We always offer a prayer of thanksgiving and for any special requests before serving the food. Last Saturday we had 19 adults and 3 children. Everyone was very appreciative and greatful for the meal and some compassionate fellowship, especially the parents of the children. This will be the only meal of the day for many of our guests and for some, the only meal for the weekend until the midweek soup kitchens open on Monday. Our purpose of sharing this with you is to encourage you to find a way to help those less fortunate in your community. We promise you will be blessed in the process!