Trinity Park stay and fly Deals with Snow at BOL!

So this past weekend we had to deal with snow on Saturday morning. This is not a big deal as we live in an area that gets snow often. When I/we served in our other location outside in the park, it was a much bigger deal. The new location has us serving our meal and clothing inside at the local Presbyterian Church. Still snow has a way of scaring people from coming and this is what happened this past weekend. Half of our usual group turned out, but those who came had a good time and were blessed by the fellowship and food.

There are three main reasons we blog about Bread of Life. First is to give thanks and praise to God! Secondly we want to thank you, our loyal customers for using our services at Trinity. This is what allows us the ability to provide for others. The last and certainly not least is to encourage you to find a resource where you can pay it forward in a meaningful way. You would be very surprised how rewarding it can be!

I have attached a picture from the weekend and one from our other location over the summer time. I hope to have new photos to share each week from now on.

Have a great and blessed week!

Trinity Reservations Staff and FamilyIMG_20140118_113052

